This Is What You Need To Understand When You Love Someone With Depression
Larm Rmah When you love someone with depression, you must understand that depression is not sadness. It is not feeling blue, or simply having an off day or week. It is not something they can simply...
View Article10 Reasons Why The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With An Old Soul
dashapats 1. They are incredibly empathetic. Old souls also tend to be empaths. They are incredibly in tune with the emotions and feelings of others, especially of those they hold close. Often, they...
View ArticleDon’t Text Her When You’re Lonely
Rahul Anil Do not text her when you are lonely. Do not hit her up late at night as you stumble home from the bar looking for some temporary love to get you through to the morning. Do not text her...
View ArticleIn Case You Needed A Reminder, Being A Human Is Fucking Hard
Felix Russell-Saw A fact: This world is going to break your heart. It’s going to tear you down and rip you apart until you wonder how to God you’re still standing. And, it will do so in more ways than...
View Article8 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You Have ADHD
Allef Vinicius 1. You accidentally interrupt others a lot. When you have ADHD, you have a tendency to interrupt other people. You aren’t doing it because you aren’t interested in what they’re saying or...
View Article7 Ways To Know He’s Not Looking For A Relationship (He’s Just Stringing You...
Christiana Rivers 1. He only texts you late at night. If he’s consistently only hitting you up between the hours of 10PM and 2AM, it’s not because he’s thinking about you as he drifts asleep, or...
View Article10 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re A Highly Sensitive...
Oskar Krawczyk 1. You give a lot of second chances. Being a highly sensitive extrovert, you are incredibly in tune with the emotions and feelings of others. Because of this, you are able to see...
View ArticleWait For The Guy Who Actually Gives A F*ck About You
Comete El Coco Wait for the guy who actually gives a fuck about you. Who calls when he says he will, and explains why when he doesn’t. Who shows the fuck up. Wait for the one who is always there when...
View ArticleI Will Never Forget You, But I Will Let You Go
Matheus Ferrero I will never forget you, but I will let you go. Slowly but surely, I will loosen my grip on the idea of us, of we. I will drop all the notions of a future, those shards of hope that you...
View Article9 Struggles Only People Who Swear Too F*cking Much Understand
Guillaume Bolduc 1. Others sometimes think you have a limited vocabulary. “Can’t you think of something better to say?” They ask, almighty judgment dripping from their pure and pristine tongues. “No, I...
View ArticleHere’s What You’re Like As ‘The Single Friend,’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Brooke Cagle Aries (March 21st – April 19th) The single Aries is the friend who is truly courageous in love. You always make the first move, even if that means getting shut down. In your mind, you’d...
View Article9 Things Only People With High-Functioning Depression Will Understand
Brooke Cagle High-functioning depression is characterized by being able to go through the motions of a “functional” life, such as going to work and school, seeing friends, etc., but feeling no joy or...
View Article15 Little Things Every ‘Almost Adult’ Can Do To Improve Their Life Immediately
Hamburger Arts Photography 1. Focus on one goal at a time. Not three, six, or twelve. One. A big reason “almost adults” tend to fall into the ~quarter life crisis~ is because they realize their...
View ArticleJust So You Know, Your Depression Is Not Your Fault
Lucas Pimenta Just so you know, your depression is not your fault. You are depressed not because you are ungrateful, or because you are not *~choosing~* to be happy, as Pinterest and wellness “experts”...
View ArticleThis Is How You Lose The Perfect Woman, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
Mahkeo Aries (March 21st to April 19th) You lose her when you treat her like an option, rather than a priority. As the first sign of the Zodiac, an Aries takes her needs and wants seriously. She puts...
View ArticleA Harry Potter Bar Crawl (!!!) May Be Coming To A City Near You
Harry Potter Yes, you read that correctly! Various cities across the United States are having Harry Potter themed bar crawls where you can mix and mingle with your favorite muggles, squibs, wizards,...
View ArticleMaybe We’re All A Little Broken (And Maybe That’s Okay)
Allef Vinicius I can’t remember the last time I felt okay. To be quite honest, I’m not so sure such a time has ever existed at all. For as long as I can remember, even as a little kid, I always felt as...
View ArticleYou’re Allowed To Be Happy Without Them
Christopher Sardegna You’re allowed to be happy without them. You’re allowed to laugh until your stomach hurts and you can no longer breathe because someone with shaggy hair and amber eyes said...
View ArticleA List Of Theories That Would Explain Why I’m Single
Daniel Monteiro Dave Grohl is married and therefore any chance I had at true love is no longer possible. Brendan Urie and Tom Hanks are also married. The patriarchy. It just ruins everything. Online...
View ArticleDepression Isn’t Sadness So Please Stop Telling Me To ‘Choose Happiness’
Timothy Paul Smith Now, let me begin with a few facts and acknowledgements. I know you mean well. I know that you want me to feel better and that you can see I’m in pain. I know depression is...
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