Date A Woman Who Reads
adamkuylenstierna Date a woman who reads, who gets lost in bookstores and within the stories of places and people, falling in love with characters she’s never met and worlds she’s never been to. She...
View Article30 Fun Questions To Ask On A First Date That Start Conversation And Keep It... 1. If you could invite five people, dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would you choose and why? 2. When you were little, where did you think you’d be by now? Are you there? 3. What was...
View ArticleA Strong Woman Doesn’t Intimidate A Real Man The idea that strong women are intimidating and unattractive to men is one that has permeated across societies and cultures. Coupled with the other toxic notion that a woman’s greatest...
View ArticleOur First Loves Are Always The Hardest To Let Go Of
Jeremy Cai I fell in love for the first time when I was 21. It was young and unrequited, and I knew we weren’t a good fit. I knew it didn’t make sense. But I had the hardest time letting him go. He...
View ArticleThe Differences Between Post-Grad And Undergrad Life That Every 20-Something...
Juan Ramos 9:30 PM on a Wednesday Post Grad: “Wow, I’m in bed at such a good time. I’m going to get a whopping 7-ish hours of sleep!!!! I’ll even be able to make it to the gym in the morning.”...
View ArticleThis Is How You Miss Out On Everything Life Has To Offer Without Even Noticing
Brooke Cagle When was the last time you took a risk? And I’m not talking some reckless shit like quitting your day job to start traveling all around Europe so you can ~find yourself~ in Michelangelo’s...
View Article10 Little Ways To Pull Yourself Together When You’re Completely Falling Apart
Morgan Sessions 1. Watch your posture. It’s amazing how much sitting up straight and walking with purpose can contribute to your overall sense of worth. As someone with inherently bad posture, the days...
View ArticleTBH: Jennifer Anniston Probably Gives Zero Fucks About Brangelina Splitting
Flickr / Nils Sautter As you’ve probably already heard, TMZ reported today that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from husband Brad Pitt on Monday, citing “irreconcilable differences” in her...
View ArticleThis Is How You Love The Funny Girl
@gonzalezan23 “Oh, you make me laugh,” said the boy who would later break my heart. We were out at a local dive bar with a group of our friends, and I don’t recall what crack I was making at that given...
View ArticleDear Kid Cudi, Your Depression Is Nothing To Be Ashamed Of
Dear Kid Cudi, I heard you checked yourself into rehab on Tuesday. You explained to us, your fans, in a raw and heartfelt letter on Facebook that you have been dealing with “depression and suicidal...
View ArticleThis Is The Truth About Being 24 In 2016
Gonzalo Arnaiz I am 24-years-old. I currently rent a somewhat shitty, but not totally terrible, apartment where maintenance never fixes anything they say they will, but it is in a safe area so I can’t...
View ArticleThis Is How You Love Someone Who Will Never Love You Back
Saksham Gangwar You wait. You wait for a long time. You wait through new lovers and meaningless flings. You wait through lonely days and even lonelier nights. You wait for him to change his mind. You...
View Article25 Things You Can Do For Yourself (Without Him)
Everton Vila 1. Learn a second language 2. Travel to a country that speaks the language you chose and test your skills 3. Switch careers to do something you always wanted to do 4. Throw yourself into...
View ArticleDelete His Number Remove the old texts from your phone, the messages that gave you hope, that made you believe that the two of you could be something. Delete them all. Don’t give yourself the opportunity to...
View ArticleFall In Love With An Old Soul
Slava Bowman Fall in love with an old soul, the kind of person who thinks and loves deeply and intensely. Fall in love with the person whose wisdom does not match their physical years, the...
View ArticleGo Get Your Heart Broken (You Get Better At Fixing It)
Nickol Hykl “I think I’ve been avoiding getting involved with anyone because I’m just so scared of getting hurt.” I was sitting with one of my best friends, Heather, on her living room floor when those...
View Article13 Little Ways To Live And Love More Fully In 2017
Kristin Vogt 1. The very second you start getting hung up on someone who rejected you, text your best friend. Text them something you love about them, or a funny memory you the two of you share....
View Article17 Simple Mantras To Carry With You Into 2017
Thomas Griesbeck 1. Every day is fresh. 2. You are enough. 3. Take care of those who take care of you. 4. You are the way you are right now, and this is okay. 5. Practice compassion for others and...
View ArticleRead This When You Stop Hearing From Him
Christopher Campbell When you stop hearing from him, assume it’s because he’s busy. He’s could just be with his friends or family, or maybe he’s working. Perhaps he just forgot to reply. You don’t...
View ArticleI Wish All Conversations Were Like The Ones We Have At 2 AM
Everton Vila I wish all conversations were like the ones we have at 2 AM, when the world is quiet and our heartbeats loud. I wish all the words we shared were as honest and raw as the ones that escape...
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