Channel: Molly Burford | Thought Catalog
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The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With The Man Who Has These Red Flags


The worst relationship of your life will be with the man who has these nine red flags.

1. He’s rude to service industry folks.

This speaks volumes about who he is because anyone who treats people in the service industry badly is just a shit person. Not only is it totally entitled and gross, but it is also an abuse of power dynamics. Eventually, that poor treatment and disrespect could extend to you as well (and honestly most likely will).

2. He never goes beyond the bare minimum.

Like, ever. He only puts in the least amount of effort necessary to keep the relationship from falling apart immediately. In other words, the absolute bare minimum. Sure, he may not cheat, he may not lie, he may pay his share of the rent, and he may not be treating you horridly outright but he doesn’t bring anything else to the table either. He doesn’t make you feel special, appreciated, taken care of, or loved because he never does anything more than the basics.

3. He talks shit about past exes.

For example, he may refer to an ex-girlfriend as “crazy.” This shows he may not be totally healed from that past relationship or be ready to take accountability for his role in the breakup. This shows a lack of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

4. You don’t think he’d make a good father.

Even if you don’t want children yourself, this matters because whether or not he would be a solid parent is a reflection of his character. If you’d imagine he’d be angry, impatient, or dismissive of kids, even his own, this is a red flag you should not ignore.

5. He doesn’t have a clear idea about what he wants out of life.

For example, he’s always talking about big career changes or personal goals (but never the same ones). He’s constantly changing his mind, jumping from dream to dream without ever putting in the work to make any of them a reality.

6. He doesn’t get along with your friends and family.

In fact, your friends and family don’t like it when he comes around. There is so much tension whenever they’re all in the same room that sometimes you avoid planning events where all parties will be present just to avoid discomfort.

7. He makes fun of the things you care about (and not in a cute and fun way but in a derogatory way).

He tears down your interests and passions and is constantly scanning his mind for reasons why they are less important and inferior than his own passions and interests. It’s arrogant, it’s annoying, and it’s disrespectful but mostly it’s just another sign that he’s not the right man for you.

8. He treats you like his therapist.

He emotionally dumps all of his issues on you. Like all the time. You are his sole source of support for pretty much everything and anything that is bothering him. Sometimes, you’re even tempted to Venmo charge him for your emotional labor because it’s that exhausting to listen to him.

9. His default response to you and your problems is to play “Devil’s Advocate.”

The Devil has enough people working for him. There’s no reason to do this. If he does, this is a sign of disrespect and that he doesn’t take you or your problems seriously. You deserve care, respect, and attention, and someone who trusts your perception.

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